Monday, July 26, 2010

Eight Easy Steps to Being Happy Every Day

Believe it or not everyone has it in them to be happy. Sometimes situations in life, beyond our control, can cause unhappiness, pessimism, and depression. But those feelings do not need to linger and they do not need to control our lives. It is very possible to be happy each and every day. Here are seven simple things you can do start being happy right away.

Songwriter Bobby Mcferrin wrote a song titled "Don't Worry Be Happy". As simple as it sounds that is step number one. If you are feeling like your life is a mess stop worrying. You have the power within you to chose to be happy. Put the worry out of your head. What ever is troubling you just let it go. You will start to feel better and now with the block removed the answer to the problem will come to you.

Recognize that the only thing in life that is constant is change. Nothing will remain the same forever. We live in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. What ever is causing you to be unhappy can and will change before you know it. Expect the change and embrace the possibilities of what may come. Be hopeful each day and you will be happier.

Know that stress can cause unhappiness. Find things in your life to do to relieve the stress. Take walks, learn yoga, ride a bike. Take time out to do something that will relax your mind and body. You will be healthier and less likely to have problems with your heart and fight off a whole number of possible ailments.

Seek out relationships and contact with friends, relatives or other social acquaintances. People need other people. There is a time to be alone, but to be alone too much or all the time is not healthy. Spend time with people that are upbeat and positive. You will feed off of their energy. They will inspire and motivate you and bring you up. Positive energy that radiates off people that are happy and well-centered is contagious.

Avoid negative environments or situations. A good example of this is the TV news. Unfortunately bad new sells. So that is why most of what we hear on the nightly news is bad. You don't need to let your mind be filled with this kind of negative, depressing information. It will do you absolutely no good. Watch as little of the news as possible.

Look for the good in people and be grateful for everything that is good around you. Everything can't be all that bad. Look for the positive in things rather than the negative. Don't be afraid to express your feelings of affections, friendship, attraction or love to those closest to you.

Laughter is always the best medicine for unhappiness. Find reasons to be filled with laughter. Look for situations that are funny. Read up and find jokes you like. When you feel laughter coming on let it go and laugh. Our bodies release chemicals when we laugh that makes us feel good.

Finally, remember that each day is new and brings with it new opportunity, new chances and new solutions. Embrace each new day and look forward to what is coming your way and you will be

13 Easy Things to Be Happy Every Day

Happiness is always with you, but you are too busy chasing it that you forget to look inside you.

I've been feeling a little unbalanced (sick) for the last three days. Finally, today I feel much better. I'm a very healthy woman, but I love to eat and sometimes, my stomach demands some responsibility from me. I'm sure it could be worse, but because of my attitude and faith in feeling good, I feel good now.

I'm not really a fan of taking medications when I'm sick. I always try to heal myself with natural things, like teas, meditation, yoga, massages, sending love to my body and other natural remedies. I believe in my body. I'm sure it works perfectly and it is capable of healing itself.

When my health is threatened I appreciate my life more and I thank God for giving me a beautiful life. I'm grateful for giving me the ability to feel the difference between being healthy and sick. I'm grateful for giving me the freedom to choose to be happy and appreciate all the little things in life. I thank God for being ALIVE and feeling GOOD every day.

I'm focusing on being happy and making my life better. Today, I want to share with you some of the things I do every day to be in the vortex, to make my life easy and happy, even when I feel indisposed.

1. Before I leave my bed -in the morning- I greet my beautiful day: "Good morning Universe. I'm ready to start a beautiful day. I'm happy no matter what. Thank God I'm alive."

2. I exercise every morning. I sing my affirmations and affirmations while I'm doing my exercises.

Why am I so happy today? I'm very happy today 'cuz I'm alive, I'm very healthy, I have a lot of energy, I'm beautiful, I love my work, I'm very successful, my life is full of love, money is coming every day.....

3. I always show gratitude. I do grateful affirmations every day. I'm thankful for the things I have and ask for the things I want to bring to my life.

Thank God for this beautiful day!

Thank God I have the opportunity to see this beautiful bird (when I see a bird)

Thank God I can ride my bike in a wonderful park.

Thank God for my new beautiful house in Sierra Madre!
Thank the Universe for my new customer!

4. I KNOW that I deserve to be happy and I'm getting all the things I want. I have FAITH in God and in myself. I love myself!

5. I use ONLY positive words (talking, writing, thinking, feeling). When I "need" to use a negative word, I always find a POSITIVE one to replace it!

6. I DO activities that I enjoy: I love to write, ride my bike, play with my daughter, run in the park, go hiking, sing when I'm driving, create new projects, and much more. And I laugh at all the things that are not my favorites.

7. I Laugh, Laugh and Laugh about myself. I don't take myself too seriously. I'm always joking with people around me.

8. I turn OFF the media. My favorite channels are Food Network and Home and Garden Television (HGTV). I like to listen to instrumental music when I'm working or writing.

9. I surround myself with POSITIVE people. I try to be polite with every person I meet. When I meet negative people I use my "emergency shell" to protect myself and repel all the negative energy.

10. I enjoy HELPING people. I really believe that the best way to receive is to give. I recognize that I'm shy sometimes, but I do my best.

11. I always LEARN something from everybody. I love to analyze and think why people act the way they do. I don't judge anybody. I just learn a different way to do the things and see the results!

12. I take care of myself and my family. My family is the best thing I have. As I always say: "The best way to tell people you love them is taking care of yourself and being happy."

13. I respect everybody. We live in a free world and we are individuals. There is nobody like me, so I understand everybody thinks and acts different!

Of course, I'm not perfect. I'm a human being and I fail sometimes. I love to encourage myself to try one more time and be a better person every day. Life is a beautiful gift and we are responsible for making it brilliant. Bring so much joy to your life by CREATING your own recipe to be HAPPY.

How to Stay Happy Everyday

It all starts with your mind. Do this simple exercise based on how you feel right now. What mood are you in? Write it down. Then Answer why are you in this particular mood? Do you know what caused the emotion you are experiencing right now? Chances are, you are thinking about something. Is what you are thinking about a positive or negative situation? Is it something you have to face and you are not looking forward to it, or conversely, is it something exciting that you ARE looking forward to?

There are times when people everywhere I go smile at me? It is not just that they smile, they smile at me as if they know me. I had to ask myself, "Why is everyone smiling at me?" I had not realized it at the time, but I was smiling at them. Why was I smiling was the question. The reason I was smiling was because of what I was thinking about, either a funny event, or I was excited about life in general because of projects I was working on, or the like. Life really is good when you live according to your life's purpose

A wise man once said to me "Never do anything that you really do not want to do. It causes heart problems." At the time he told me that, I was having heart problems. I am not sure why he told me that because he did not know me personally or what I was going through. I was working in a job that I did not like and I began to use that job to practice my voice skills because I wanted to be in radio. That job began to be fun to me and it did not matter what my job was because I knew I would get to where I wanted to be if I kept practicing.

The lesson I learned is that we are not happy when we are not living according to our life purpose. Being happy all the time does not mean you have everything you want all the time. It is a choice to be happy no matter what and you can do so because you have something to look forward to. Start looking for your own purpose in life. Start by trying things out and learning what you are good at.

When you find your life's purpose, begin working in it in whatever capacity you can even if it is for free. You will be fulfilled. Life will mean something to you, and most of all you will be happy all the time because you are living your dream.

How To Be Happy Every Day - 4 Keys to Unlock Your Happiness

You start each day by making the decision to be happy. You may have every reason to be sad or disappointed but you can choose what you will focus on and what thoughts you will think. You could start your day by writing down all of the people and things you are grateful for. What if you are with someone you don't like or in a job that brings you down? Write down why you are grateful for the person you are in strife with. Take your focus off of your resentment towards the individual and put it towards thoughts of gratitude about them. You can always find something to appreciate about another person. If not at the moment think back to when you did. There is good in everything and there is bad but you have the choice as to what you will look at and think about. You are always responsible for what you think. And it is your thinking that unfolds your world.

Practice smiling and laughing. When I am with my grandson he is 2 years old we will just laugh to laugh. Big belly laughs, mouths open, making funny noises and laughing loud and then we laugh harder because our laughing is so funny. You can laugh out loud by yourself as well. Watch funny shows, movies, read jokes, watch funny on line videos. In August of 2000 my youngest child 16 years old (daughter) passed away she had liver cancer. I was very sad and cried everyday for a year. But I also made the choice to make myself laugh so I could heal and find happiness in my life. I have happiness in my life every day despite the tragedy and sorrow.

Go to places that make you happy. Maybe that's the beach or the mountains or a local park. Wherever that place is frequent it as often as possible. Enjoy your surroundings and feel those happy feelings. It is these experiences that will manifest more happiness for you as you allow yourself to feel good and often.

Take time to think about what you want in your life and allow yourself to indulge in whatever you want. You can have whatever you want if you imagined it often. What do you want that will make you happy? Look at every area of your life and decide what you want. Do not focus on what you have or don't have because reality changes all the time. Now you get to choose what your reality is going to be. Choose to be happy everyday and you will.

How to Be Happy Everyday - Simple Ways to Help You Stay Happy Always

The question of how to be happy everyday may be a little difficult to answer, but as always said, happiness is a choice and you can definitely learn how to be happy everyday. Here are some ways to help you remind yourself to stay happy every single day.

- Stay away from things that make you unhappy and from people that have negative influences in your life.

- Wake up every morning by giving thanks - for the bright sunrise, for a great breakfast, or for a good night sleep. Cultivate the habit of being thankful - for great friends or for favors done to you, however small they may be.

- Think positive. Do not think of what you do not have but learn to appreciate whatever you have. Eliminate self-doubt and think that you can overcome difficulties in life.

- Do not let anything ruin your happy day. If you are faced with a difficult situation at work, do not let it ruin your day. Find ways to fix it. If some people make you mad, win the battle by not giving in to anger. Truly, learning how to be happy everyday is your choice.

- Meditate. This will help you manage stress and take charge of your life. Stress can make you irritable or annoyed. It can even put your health at risk. Get rid of stress to help you face tomorrow with a happy smile.

- Understand and respect other people. One great source of the many unhappiness in life is our difficulty to accept our differences. If we see something that we do not like, we seemed to be irritated. Understanding the people around you and why they act that way will help you get rid of negative feelings.

- Do something good for others. Doing something good is indeed one of the best ways to feel good about yourself and be happy. One source of happiness in this world indeed comes from being a blessing to others.

- Watch your words. Learn to be positive with your words - whether it is for yourself or for others. This will keep you from hurting people and avoiding trouble.

- Smile. A smile can truly radiate a positive energy to the people around you and to you as well. Greeting the people with a smile on your face is also one best way to looking good.

- Give and share. The magic of giving is not just about feeling good to be able to give and share to those who need your help. It is also in giving that you receive more blessings.

- Have a good laugh. Learning how to be happy everyday could just be as simple as having a good laugh. Eliminate boredom and sadness in life by sharing a good laugh with your friends or family. Go out with friends who talk about hobbies and travels and share light stories and not talking about other people's lives. Choose to talk with your co-workers about something that is pleasant - your dream places or destination or hobbies and sports.

- Eat healthy. This will spare you from any discomfort and pain. Take note too that it is easier to be happy if you are healthy.

Learning how to be happy everyday can be easy if you choose to be happy. If someone gives you a reason to get angry, it is actually your choice to get angry or not. So stay in control. Think about being happy - always.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Giving Attention To Happiness

When I left England in 2000 there did not seem to be much happiness around. People in modern western society tend to be self focused to the extreme, prone to criticise rather than support or applaud, and with little time or inclination to devote to others. Relationships can be a battleground rather than a haven of mutual support. Thinking about it now, I did not know anyone who I could say was really happy. I was acquainted with a few who might have been in a state of happiness, but I did not know them well enough to be sure.

I think by nature I am a basically happy person, but modern life and attitudes can have a way of pummeling that out of you. When you are surrounded by unhappy, discontented people who are devoted to chasing the shadows of pure materialism, then it is going to affect you. People lose touch with what happiness is, and may even be dismissive if they sense that someone might actually be happy.

Happiness is no longer a natural state of being in Western society, and to those who have lost touch with what happiness is, a process of re-education may be needed. Here are a few things that may help you in that process:

1. Give time and focus to the things in your life that can make you happy; how can you be happy if you do not know what will make you happy?

2. Give time and attention to making those around you happy. If any of them are habitually self pitying and miserable, with no good reason, then maybe they should not have a place in your world.

3. Give time and attention to eliminating those elements of your life that are dragging you into the unhappiness mire. Pinpoint them, and then set about methodically either removing them or diminishing their influence.

4. Vow never to be jealous. If you see somebody else who seems happy and elated, feed positively off that happiness aura, and do not mutter such negative responses as "oh, it's alright for her, she doesn't have my problems." Reprimand yourself if ever you feel a twinge of jealousy.

5. If you find an element of your life that brings you happiness, remind yourself about it regularly. Feed it, let it grow. Never, ever take it for granted. Give the happiness itself attention, and it will burrow more deeply into your being.

I will now test you on number 4. I am very happy, and have been for a few years now. I have all I need of a non-material nature: a wonderful wife; a beautiful and joyous 17 month old daughter; the ability to work online from home doing as I please; life on a magnificent tropical island that fulfils a childhood dream; and living amongst people of a generally happy disposition. All those things come together to give me as close to a perfect life I could have dared thought possible.

I say that not to arouse envy, but to get you to think: happiness is still possible, and should be celebrated, whoever the one who has the benefit. If you are not already doing so, you could soon be the one spreading that aura of happiness; but it needs your attention, piece by piece.

Finding Your Happiness

Research has identified a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extraversion, marital status, employment, health, democratic freedom, optimism, religious involvement, income and proximity to other happy people. Moreover, the structure of the social network appeared to have an impact on happiness, as people who were very central with many friends and friends of friends were significantly more likely to be happy than those on the periphery of the network. Albert Camus: You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. Be Happy University of Pennsylvania's Martin Seligman offers questionnaires for assessing your happiness, beating depression and developing insights into how to be happier on his web site.

He observed that men sought riches not for the sake of being rich, but to be happy although the term we translate as 'happiness' in Aristotle cannot be adequately defined as either an emotion or a state. Happiness Find out how to beat stress and take control of your mood with our simple and easy tips to get happy. Why we're Happy Research suggests the key to happiness is a life that reflects values and practices like faith, hard work, charity and freedom. Happiness People are happy when they are "in control", that is, when they feel competent to satisfy their needs and reach their goals. Now, some people argue with the term "happiness" and maintain that it's not possible to be "happy " But even people who can't agree on what it means to be "happy" can agree that most people can be "happier ".

We are happy when for everything inside us there is a corresponding something outside us " -. Wikipedia "Happy" and "Happily" redirect here. For other uses, see happy disambiguation. He observed that men sought riches, or honor, or health not only for their own sake but also in order to be happy. The happy person is virtuous, meaning they have outstanding abilities and emotional tendencies which allow him or her to fulfill our common human ends. Abraham Lincoln: Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be -. Albert Schweitzer: I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.

A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to. Anne Frank: We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. Anne Frank: The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy - because we will always want to have something else or something more. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung: Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Charles Schulz: My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. Edith Wharton: If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind. Eric Hoofer: You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. Fran Leibowitz: Remember that as a teenager you are in the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear the phone is for you. The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy. It must come from within It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be ". Interestingly his research finds that most people are slightly to moderately happy, not unhappy. For Americans, the happy or ideal life is sometimes referred to as the. From the observation that fish must become happy by swimming, and birds must become happy by flying, Find out how to beat stress and take control of your mood with our simple and easy tips to get happy.

How to Be Successful & Happy

Life Is Not A Race To Be Won; It Is A Journey To Be Enjoyed.

What is success? What is happiness? Are they one and the same, or do they differ? Most equate happiness with success. Others, although they may have accomplished many of the things they set out to do, still are not happy. They have achieved their goals, but without happiness what good has it done them?

People are not searching for success. There are thousands of books on success - all containing steps, formulas, and techniques on how to succeed. Many are great books, but much of what they teach doesn't bring happiness to a person's life. People want to be happy. Happiness isn't a gift God gives to some and refuses to give to others. You can be happy. In fact, you have a right to be happy.

Are you happy?

Let me ask you, do you think all happy people are successful? Are all successful people happy? Interesting questions, aren't they? They are difficult to answer. How you define success and happiness determines how you answer.

What Society Would Have You Believe:

Society would have us believe that happiness is what we have, not who we are. You probably have heard people say things like, "I would be happy if I had a million dollars," "...owned a yacht," "...lived in a mansion," or "...drove an expensive car." Sure, it is possible to have these things and still be happy, but these material possessions do not produce happiness.

Ask the wife who has all the jewelry and all the clothes she could ever imagine who discovers that her husband is cheating on her. Is she happy? Certainly not! Ask the celebrity who supposedly has it all, but winds up in the mental institution. Is she happy? Although someone may have all the money, cars, houses, and toys one could ever want, that does not mean they are happy. Life is more than achieving your personal goals and acquiring material possessions. True happiness is the direct result of knowing your purpose and making forward progress toward its fulfillment. Without purpose, life is meaningless and ultimately very dissatisfying.

How To Choose Happiness

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.

We welcome the whole world into this community as One, as we connect people to people to create Oneness.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Bless you.

Happiness is a Blessing. Go for the Blessing.
How to Choose Happiness

Here are words of wisdom that you shall never forget. Are you ready?

"Simply choose Happiness."

Wow! What a revelation.

Wouldn't be great if we were taught as children to simply choose Happiness?

Can you imagine what the world would be like?

Can you imagine how each human being would act and behave?

Can you imagine the Peace and Joy around the world?

Can you imagine anger, hatred, resentment, frustration, repression and de-pression in the past as Happiness takes over the world?

Can you imagine the children always being Happy as children, teenagers and as adults?

Can you imagine the world leaders sitting around and chatting with Happiness as Happiness?

Can you imagine yourself Happy?

Do you want to be Happy?

Is anyone stopping you? You know, saying words such as: "You are Not allowed to be Happy".

Do you stop yourself from being Happy?

Do you know what Happiness Is?

Do you care to take time out and inquire as to what you can do to create Happiness within you?

Do you depend on people to be Happy or to make you feel Happy?

Are you willing to choose Happiness and break the cycle of Unhappiness?

Are you familiar with the Power of Choice? Well you are Now.

You and I and all always have choice. This is a given. And in fact we all assume that we have choice and yet we always pretend that we don't. Why? Do we feel that if we choose then we are responsible for our choices and actions? How wonderful it is to know that we are responsible for our choices. This means that we have chosen by our own free will. This is Power. And this Power is a Gift from God to Create Goodness and Oneness inside and out.

Happiness is a Blessing.

Let us all choose Happiness as we awaken and as we sleep.

Let us choose Happiness in our daily activities.

Let us choose Happiness with our Loved ones and with all.

Let us choose Happiness continuously and consistently and reap the benefits with the support of the Universe.

You see when we choose something, anything, then the Universe responds. The radio waves within our unconscious minds send out vibrations and these vibrations are answered with like vibrations and creation takes place. Creation such as Happiness. One way or another the Universe will and does support your choice and desire to create Happiness.

Keep the momentum going. Keep the thoughts of Happiness going. Never ever quit. Do Not allow petty fights, arguments and disappointments to dis-empower you. You have the Power to dis-empower the unwanted circumstances and issues in your life.

Choose Happiness over despair, sorrow and grief.

Choose Happiness over anger and hate.

Choose Happiness over sadness and envy.

Choose Happiness over loneliness.

Choose Happiness over revenge.

Choose Happiness and Happiness will Happily choose you. For you are truly worthy and deserving of living this life as a Happy life.

What is it that we are so afraid of? Why won't we let go?

A shark cannot rest, it cannot stop swimming or it will die, it will drown.

Humanity seems to be acting in the same manner. It is though we are running for our lives. We are being chased and if we stop we will die.

There is an urgency to get somewhere, anywhere, and we do not know what to look for or where, but it is always out there, somewhere.

Unknowingly we have left the place that we are looking for. From the inner peace that we experienced so long ago as children and as the person we once were. We seem to have lost our way and are running just for the sake of running. It is as though we are in a cattle stampede. One starts running and we are following blindly.

What happened to the peace, the serenity and joy of just being, what happened to our innocence? Somewhere along the way we believe that we have lost it, and that we cannot have it again. Someone told us to run and we haven't stopped.

The industrial revolution has pushed us forward in a frenzy to acquire things, the latest is always best, always desirable and it is the carrot that moves us beyond our means, away from what we really desire.

It has taken us away from our natural ability to be at peace, to be happy and content. 'Things,' have promised us happiness, but we do not feel happy when we have them. There is always a promise of happiness but never delivery. Things may be symbols of our happiness but they do not bring the promise with them, because there is another thing dancing in the shadows, calling to us, beckoning, luring us from one thing to another.

We are so far gone that we now believe that we cannot be happy unless we have a thing. We have forgotten how to be happy naturally without being stimulated. We have been told that we cannot go backwards; we cannot go back to the way it was before because we would not have our things.

This is one of the greatest lies that have been passed on from one generation to another. Happiness is where you find it we are told, and this is absolute true if we understand that we can find happiness anywhere if we are happy first. The thought of being happy brings happiness into our lives. Happiness comes from within and is not put upon us by things.

Unhappiness is created from the thought that we need something to be happy and this unhappiness comes from the very things that we are depending on to bring us happiness.

If illness, accidents, sorrow, suffering, lack and loneliness comes from an error in thought, then only the thought has to be changed in order to achieve the happiness, and once our basic needs are met, there is only room for happiness. When thoughts turn towards wants then they turn away from comforting human emotion, natural love, joy, pleasure, contentment and belonging. The simpler life is the closest we get to true happiness, because we become focused on it, it is what we think about and all thought becomes manifested in our experience.

"I can't go back, I won't, I worked too hard to get where I am and what I have; I won't live in a cave.

If all we really want is to be happy, why would we not live in a cave and live simply if it brings us back to happy. If we are heading in a direction that leads away from happiness, why do we keep going there? Is it that we are happy to be unhappy or that happiness does not really exist except in our thoughts? Is it that we believe that happiness does not last, so why pursue it? What is it that we do with the butterfly once we catch it? Is the happiness found in catching the butterfly or letting it go once we have been there, or is it both? Can we experience happiness without experiencing all its opposites? Is the joy of letting go a precept in experiencing happiness once we have found it? Must we turn away from happiness so that we may find it later? If we are happy and remain that way, will we forget what it means to be happy?

All of our experiences are this way, they are cyclical, and we cannot know what we have or experience it until we no longer have it. We must move away from it so that we can come back to it. So if living our complicated lives is not bringing the happiness that we choose, is it because we forgot what it is or are we now ready to return to it?

Is it that we are running from something or is it that we are now running towards it? The trip will stop when we know that we already have what we desire, we simply need to choose it. Happiness, joy, fulfillment, belonging are things that we do not have to look for. They are what we are naturally and we simply have moved our thoughts away from them.

Our things, our toys are symbols, but they are not symbols of happiness, they are symbols of trying to be happy. They are symbols that we have moved away from what we already have, what we know. In trying to make our lives easier so that we have "time," to be happy and enjoy our lives we have created less time to be happy. Happy is scheduled for events and things and then we are too tired. To numb our loss of the sense of happiness we drug ourselves so that we don't have to feel anything.

The truth is and always has been that we can be happy without "things," or doing anything. The sacrifice is that we have to give up on the notion that we need anything and we must be prepared to give up things that do not demonstrate our happiness. Happiness comes as quickly as thinking about it. Be happy first then go out and do things that represent happy to you. Happiness comes in the silent moments between events, when there is nothing left to do, when we have given up on finding it, and when we have done everything else. When we have given up on the notion that we have to find it, it finds us.

I don't know anyone that is happy all the time or even most of the time. I think happiness must be dessert. We have to go through the main course to find it. If dessert was the main course we would still move away from it once we had finished or had enough of it.

I believe that we can be happy all the time, but not experience it. As we get involved in doing the happy things we forget that we are happy until it enters our mind that we are happy. Too much happiness or dessert becomes irritating and mundane, like sex, you got to move away from it in order to appreciate it and be grateful for the times that you are experiencing it.

An emotion that comes from happiness is contentment, which is not as intense. But even contentment as happiness must be recycled. Life without extremes is none life. Life moves in waves and begins on the edge of all our emotions. Once you hand gets used to being in warm water, it is no longer appreciated as warm until you pull it out.

Once we let go of the thought that we will not longer experience happiness, then we will have time to focus on simply experiencing this emotion and it will be drawn into our lives. We won't have to do things to find it. Stop running, move away from the crowd, simplify your life become aware of your environment, learn to appreciate what is already around you and happiness will enter your thoughts always. Find the beauty in the simple rock, a blade of grass, or the people around you. You have created them, they are your wonders, and you brought them to you as opportunities to experience happiness.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Keep Your Python Happy

Once you decide on owning a pet python, you want to learn more about what your pet is like. Starting from what it feeds on to habits of the reptile. It is important to know about a python's behavior patterns and how to keep your pet happy.

In the wild, Pythons roam the jungle; their skin provides a perfect camouflage. They are excellent swimmers and swim in search of prey or stalk in water.

Like other wild animals Pythons don't know how to exhibit their happiness to humans. With experience though, you'll be able to notice anything 'out of the norm' for your python thru its body language ... signs that it may be feeling sick or uncomfortable, though this will be a little difficult to see at first.

The two most important things you can do to make your python happy have to do with the SUN and SWIMMING.

The Sun

Most pythons enjoy basking under the sun. Therefore, if you provide your pet a good hide box and a heat spot, it will use the hide box to rest most of the time, or just coil around the heat spot basking. A warm python is usually a happy python!

Swimming (exercise)

Given the narrow confines of the cage we provide them, pythons don't get much of the exercise they would otherwise get in the wild forests.

The best exercise for pythons is swimming. True, it is not possible to take the python to a swimming pool or an abandoned pond for security reasons.

But you can use a kiddy pool or a large plastic tub to create a python swimming pool.

Just fill the pool or tub with warm water and let your python in it. You will watch it move around happily, keeping its head above the water.

Make it a point to clean the tub or kiddy pool with disinfectants every time.

Swimming is definitely one of the best ways of entertaining your pet python.

Other ways to keep your python happy

Mating your python when it is ready is also another important way you can make your pet Python happy.

The above is an excerpt from the free newsletter on "Python Secrets" published by Geostar Publishing & Services LLC.

Does Your Work Make You Happy?

Is there really a difference between a “vocation” and a “job”? They both require you perform some sort of labor. You have the opportunity to earn money with either of them. The real difference is that a job is only a necessity to pay the bills and beyond that it may hold no further value to you. Your “vocation” or life’s work on the other hand is something that you value and when performing it you feel is has meaning, whether or not you are making money.

What that “meaning” means is hard to define and varies per person. What do you think would make your work meaningful? Do you feel you have to be a Mother Teresa or great inventor like Einstein for your work to have meaning? Or, is creating an artistic masterpiece meaningful? It seems most people think meaningful work must be something on a grand scale or lead to national or world recognition.

To get in touch with your thoughts on meaningful work jot down everything that comes to mind about what the general consensus of the term meaningful work is. It may be helpful to write down names of people who seem significant and why.

Next, answer the question for yourself of what makes labor valuable. These are your own personal reasons and it does not matter if this is the general popular opinion. There are no right or wrong answers.

Now read over what you have written and see if your thoughts are inline with the following concepts. 1) In order to be meaningful the labor has to bring good into the world or help people in some manner. 2) In order to be meaningful your labor must be noticed in a big way. Success is the measure of your work and you must be successful to be valuable. 3) Those who are 100% consumed by their ideas, to the exclusion of sleeping or eating, like Columbus or Ben Franklin are the only ones with meaningful work. 4) The world values people who try their best. People should have a family, house and a decent job and be upstanding members of their community.

Finding truly meaningful work is not easy. If you have all your needs met and yet you get scared you are going to be stuck in a job you don’t really like, then you are dealing with the philosophical question of value or meaning. It seems to be human nature to think you must contribute to something larger than yourself or be acknowledged and if you are not doing something that really matters then you are just going through life going through the motions and that doesn’t really feel like it counts.

Raising Happy Kids

We all want to be happy. As parents we want our kids to be happy, but what happens when we have a child that has a hard time getting through hard times, or is ultra-sensitive? Sometimes this can be hard, but there are some things we can do as parents to encourage positive behavior in our children which can in turn make them much more happy.

Adults and especially parents are kids most powerful role models, so it is important that we not act negatively around our children. Not that we have to pretend, but if we have a positive outlook, chances are they will too. They look up to adults and parents and want to be like them, so try for a day to say only positive things to your child, make them feel important, needed and special, and see if it doesn't make a little difference. Children just want to know they are valued and important to their parents. Make sure they never doubt how good they are.

Next, whether you work or you are a stay at home parent, spend organized, quality time with your child frequently. We can get busy an involved with projects or other important things and put our children last sometimes to deal with when we are tired and at the end of our rope. On occasion, this is to be expected, but make sure that you have 10-30 minutes every day when you can spend one on one time with your child. You can take this time to talk while playing about issues he or she may be having in their life that would cause them to be unhappy. You'd be surprised by how much they open up when you take the time to get on their level and ask.

A rewards system like tickets or marbles is a great way to reinforce positive behavior. When your child is happy and not fighting or being negative, he gets a marble in his jar. When it is filled, he gets a special prize or a date with Mom or Dad to a favorite restaurant or skating rink. This is a great way to let your child visualize how much good he has done in a short amount of time. This works well for any age of children and can be adapted with bigger prizes for older children.

Last, get involved with what your children are doing. If they love soccer, volunteer to be a coach or assistant coach. You could volunteer in their classroom once a week, which would be a big help to the teacher and would help you learn about the dynamics in the classroom with the other kids, and what your child is learning. Another way to get involved is to immerse yourself in what they like to play with. If they love the Disney princesses, then play "Royal Ball" with them, or play online princess dress up with them. It doesn't have to be expensive; the most fun is usually when you do something together that's free. Most importantly just spend the time together and let her know you also enjoy what she is interested in.

Never let your child question your love for him. No matter what he does or says, you will always be there to talk to him and comfort him in times of need. Doing a few simple things should make a big difference in how happy your kids are, and as a result, it will make you a lot happier too!

Gifts For Kids: An Easy Way To Make Them Happy

Gifts are liked by almost every one of us. But, these have made a high craze among the small kids. UK market is full of astonishing and stylish presents that one can give to his or her children. Sometimes, we get as confused as which one to buy for our kids or not. But, now there are so many items available in the market for the kids. It includes games, puzzles and quizzes, racing cars, soft toys and many more. All of such items are hugely appreciated by the small kids. Beyond that, some of the other gifts for kids include spy digital camera binoculars, condiment gun and many more.

Some of the occasion presents are also made available for the children that the individuals can give to them. Wide variety of Christmas gifts and birthday gifts are also available in the market. Birthday gifts like remote control helicopter or cars, amazing soft toys and lots more. These gizmos are designed in such an amazing manner that can attract the attention of a small child.

All such stuffs can be easily afforded by the customers as these come with quite reasonable rates. On the other hand, baskets for the kids are one of the most preferred ideas. It is not only cheap but also provide huge satisfaction to the hearts of small children. This holder contains so many things like chocolates colorful boxes, designer pencils and rubbers and many more. Such wonderful things can make them happy as well as cheerful.

Gifts for kids are an amazing way of winning their hearts and to make them happy and joyful. So, if you want give a present to your child and are not getting the right one to purchase, then just select any one of them and make the child happy forever.

And You Wonder Why We Are Not Happy?

We have very much become an instant gratification type society, especially in Western countries, whereby we need things to be constantly evolving, it is very difficult to sustain our attention on anything for too long, we come bored easily and we demand new and better things. In fact Generation Y, of which I am a member, is largely responsible for our society following this path. You can see this illustrated in many ways; We are constantly hopping from job to job and mate to mate. News media journalism is very much sensationalised and only pays lip service to the whole truth and covers issues which are more entertainment based. We always want the latest gadgets and technology yet soon afterwards we get tired of it and want something better and flashier. Last year we had 2 cases which the Australia news media have covered in a saturation manner being Schapelle Corby and Douglas Wood. Schapelle Corby was a person who was found carrying a small amount of marijuana in Bali, Indonesia where drug offences are treated extremely seriously. Douglas Wood was working as contracter in Iraq and captured by insurgents but later released. Given the amount of media we have now competing for our attention in print, free to air and pay TV, international media, online media, etc. it was bound to happen. It was rare to actually get an impartial fully factual coverage of both sides as that would have probably bored a mass audience. In all likelihood for a lot of us now it is Schapelle who? . The other issue being that with so many resources devoted to these types of cases, many more important and far-reaching issues are ignored.

In terms of technology one of the biggest fads at he moment is the iPod which was the most popular item on kid's wishlists last Christmas. The truth is that there are better and more feature packed products in the market at a lesser cost but the unbelievable campaign Apple have run have dwarfed these other products. From Christmas to Christmas we are graduating from DVD players to mobile phones to digital cameras to iPods when only a generation ago we were happy with just getting the next action figure or doll in the set. Now a device like a mobile phone or computer is on the scrap heap if it is older than 2-3 years.

Generation Ys are also predicted to have at least 10 job changes in their working life including multiple career changes. When asked why this occurs the common theme seems to be boredom, as no matter how interesting or fulfilling a particular job or workplace may be, it does not meet our need for things to be constantly new and exciting. This also a common theme when young people are asked they are not sticking to one partner.

Some of these instant gratifying moments are thrilling but when we look back on our lives it will be long lasting relationships that give us the greatest joy and not the exciting today, forgotten tomorrow events.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How to Be Happy Every Day

In this article today I would like to talk about several tips, tricks, and tactics that almost everybody can use to help be a happy person day in and day out.

Here in America we live in one of the most abundant societies in the history of the world. The American dream has been realized by tens of millions of people. We all have so much; from big houses to fancy cars to flatscreen TVs with hundreds of high definition cable channels and so much more, yet most of us are miserable almost constantly and that's an incredible shame. Fortunately there are some very simple things that we can do to help become happy and that's what I'm going to talk about in this article today.

The first thing you need to do is take responsibility for your mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, it's a part of life and in fact it's a great part of life because mistakes are what we use to learn from. Without mistakes we can't grow so don't look at mistakes as a negative, instead look at them as a positive. Learn what you can from them, then put them from your mind and move forward.

The next thing you can do is take a small timeout during the day at some point. Go for a short nature walk if at all possible. You don't have to work up a sweat, this is not an exercise activity it's just something simple that you can do to help clear your mind and get a little rest and stress-free relaxation in the middle of your hectic day.

The next thing you should focus on is in dealing constructively with criticism. People are going to criticize you either at home or at work because it's a part of human nature. You can either take offense at the criticism or learn from it and move forward and that is what I suggest you do.

Another great thing you can do is use mental imagery. Holding positive images in your mind helps remove negativity because if you're focusing only on positive, there isn't any room in your mind for anything else. Positive thoughts just make you happy that's all there is to it so the more time you can spend thinking about positive things the better off you will be.

Finally, if you can't take a short walk during the day to relax then at least put aside a few minutes to meditate. I'm not some goofy meditation nut. What I mean by meditate is to simply take a few minutes to sit quietly in a non-noisy place and take 10 long deep breaths followed by 20 short breath all the while focusing on something positive like your favorite place or favorite activity. Just taking 5 to 10 minutes to sit quietly and breathe peacefully can make a huge difference in your overall happiness.

15 Awesome Ways to Cheer You Up When You Feel Down

Are you feeling down or a little sad? Don't worry because I just came up with 15 awesome ways to cheer you up. I'm close too 99% certain that at least one of these ways will put a smile on your face and put you in a better mood! Time to cheer up!

Take 5 minutes and consciously breathe. Count your breaths, inhale and exhale. When you focus on breathing, you will notice that you become more relaxed and your worries and troubles melt away.

I'm talking about the sitcom. I have probably watched every episode ten times and it always gets a smile on my face. Feeling down? Just watch an episode or two and your mood will lift.

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Just Google 'Arnold Schwarzenegger switchboard' and you'll understand what I mean. It is an online switchboard with recorded clips from Arnold and his awesome accent. Guaranteed to make you feel better!

Saying Images
Since I found this site I've been in love with it. No essays or articles, just unique and original pictures with a message. Very cool.

Stuffing yourself with your favourite flavour ice-cream always does wonders. It might not be healthy and it might not be a solution, but damn, it tastes good and makes you feel better!

Get a canvas or a wall or something that you can paint on and let your emotions flow. Let the paintbrush and colors flow freely and your mood will lift.

Friends, Food and Movies
Ask your best friends to come over for the night, get some good movies and great food and just hang out. You don't even have to say anything to each other, just enjoy the movies, food and each other's company.

Play With A Dog
Dogs never seem to have big troubles. They are always energetic and up for fun. Ask someone who has a dog if you can borrow it for the day.

Bubble Bath
Draw a nice warm bath full of bubbles and bath salts. Relax and soak your troubles in the water and leave them behind when you get out of the bath.

You may not be in the mood to sing, because generally people only sing when they are happy. Put on your favourite song and sing along. You will begin to feel better and it might even change your mood completely!

Create Something
I mentioned painting earlier, but you can do anything you want. Pottery, drawings, carpentry, paper-mache, a song and Lego are some ideas. Be artistic and just make something with your own two hands, it will make you feel better!

Bake a Cake
Yep, even if you are a guy, baking a cake once in a blue moon can be fun. It can be fun to whip up all the ingredients and create something delicious, especially when you are feeling a little down. If your cake comes out perfectly, you can devour it to make you feel even better!

Buy Yourself Flowers.
A fresh bouquet of beautiful flowers always cheers me up. They smell amazing and look so pretty. I can often notice a big lift in my mood when I have flower in front of me for a few hours.

How to Become Happier and Live a Happy Life

Perhaps, like most people, you have moments of emotional suffering when you ask, "Why me? How can I be happy? What will it take for me to be happier in life?" If you frequently have the thought that life is intolerable, and especially if you have ever thought of ending your life, please get professional help, right now. If you very seldom have those thoughts, rejoice, and pass this article on to a friend who is less joyful. But if your life swings between joy and suffering, even if life frequently appears gloomy, know that you CAN be happier in life. A conscious choice for happiness followed by an intentional program of focusing your thoughts and actions toward joyful living can transform your whole existence and give you the happier life you long for.

While it appears that some people are just naturally happy, others struggle with the events of the world. Although it is true that life weighs more heavily on some than on others, happiness is not in proportion to the circumstances of life. In fact, happiness may actually be nearly independent of what happens outside of ourselves. As extreme examples, people in concentration camps have expressed a joy and gratitude for life, while people in the best of health and the most privileged of circumstances have been so unhappy they chose to end their own lives.

There are five factors that determine one's happiness: Genetics, Past Experiences, Current Circumstances, Support Network, and Attitude.

Your Attitude is the single biggest factor in your happiness. While you can certainly change your attitude toward life and become happier, it is not as simple as just repeating, "I am happy. Life is good. I am happy." Positive affirmations can help in creating a happier life, but they are inadequate by themselves - to the point of deserving the criticisms some have heaped upon positive affirmations.

Here are some actions you can take to become happier in life...

1. Honor yourself. By "honor yourself," I mean to respect yourself and to hold yourself in high regard. This process is more commonly referred to as "building self-esteem," but I find "self-esteem" to be something of a wimpy term. Think about your feelings toward your greatest hero. Those feelings are Honor. Whether your greatest hero is a patriotic figure, a war hero, a religious martyr, or your favorite grandparent, feel the emotion that thinking about that person evokes in you and hold onto that feeling. You are a great and wonderful person, and you deserve to have those feelings toward yourself. Honor yourself by becoming your own greatest hero. Make a daily practice of honoring yourself. List your great qualities and honor those qualities. Honor your accomplishments, honor your choices, honor your vision for your life.

2. Give thanks for all of life. Gratitude is another key to happiness. The lack of gratitude is essentially resentfulness, and being resentful is incompatible with happiness.

3. Forgive everyone, especially yourself, for everything ever done or not done. Forgiveness is a key to happiness. No one can be resentful or regretful and happy at the same time. Release your resentments and regrets to allow space for joy to enter your life.

4. Appreciate your Support Network. If you have friends and family who support your values and goals, have gratitude and utilize your network. If you don't yet have a powerful support network, make it a priority to surround yourself with people who are joyful, open minded, and supportive. There is a strong correlation between a person's happiness and the happiness of those he associates with. Spend more time with happy people and less time around unhappy people.

5. Have a Life Purpose. Choose your life purpose and live your life in fulfillment of that purpose. While there are many techniques for selecting your life purpose if you don't already know your life purpose, I recommend what I call the "Tombstone Exercise." The Tombstone Exercise is a short version of what Werner Erhard, the designer of the Landmark Education programs, termed "Designing the Future from the Future." Visualize your own tombstone many years from now. What do you want to see written on your tombstone? Hold that vision and picture what must have been accomplished just before the final goal. then work your way back, one accomplishment at a time, until you have walked the time-line back to the present. What step do you visualize being accomplished today to ultimately reach the goal you saw written upon your tombstone?

6. Begin Today. Take a step toward your Life Goal today.

7. Persevere - Have Commitment. Happy people don't give up or waver. You may choose to change your goals. You may choose to change your tactics for reaching your goals. But persevere and stay committed.

8. Hold your Intent (also called Intention). There is power in affirming, "It will be thus." There is power in speaking your Intent to the Universe. If you are overly skeptical, just move on to the next action for happiness; otherwise trust and affirm your Intent for the future. Speak your Intent (or prayer) with gratitude for something that certainly will happen rather than hope that something might happen.

9. Celebrate. Celebration is an expression of Gratitude. Gratitude is like the prayer, while Celebration is the hymn and sacred dance. Celebration is a road to happiness.

10. Feel Unity with Spirit and All Creation. While it is possible to live a joyful life without a relationship with one's Higher Power, basking in Unity with Spirit and All Creation is the most powerful and quickest path to happiness. It is simply not possible to fully experience being one with Spirit and All Creation and remain unhappy.

11. Be of Service. Above and beyond the good your service will be to the world, being of service is good for your happiness. As a bonus, in the process of being of service, you are likely to associate with happy people, which will also tend to improve your own happiness.

12. Fake it until you make it. As Thich Nhat Hanh says, "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." Until you can feel happy, just pretend you are happy, and soon the actor's mask will become real.

Enjoy Life After Work

You can enjoy life so much more if you have a positive mental outlook. When things don't happen quite the way you might want, look at what you learned from the experience. so you don't make the same mistakes again and you can take forward any learning when the same situation happens again you will react more effectively next time.

Be a glass half full person rather than a glass half empty. If something doesn't work out the way you hoped decide what you would do differently next time and take whatever was positive from it.

If you've had to leave work in an unplanned way because of ill health or if you've been suspended because, or on suspicion, of malpractice, then you may be feeling very upset and confused about what's happening to you. You may feel angry about how unfairly life has treated you, or guilty about something you did which became much bigger than you imagined it could. In these circumstances it may seem impossible to enjoy life again. Amidst all the negative aspects of the situation what might be the benefit to you of this happening at this time?

It is so important to enjoy life, have a laugh, see the funny side of those situations that upset or frustrate you. Step back and find an individual or a group to support you during the difficult times. Others who have been through similar situations can often give you words of comfort and guidance and it's reassuring to know and realise that others have been through similar experiences to you.

If you find yourself becoming bothered about something or someone, try picturing the person as a cartoon character, or a clown. Imagine them speaking with a squeaky voice or singing everything. You may be surprised how doing this can diminish the anger or frustration you were feeling about what happened. When you make a joke of it either by telling the story to someone else, or picturing it in your own mind's eye, you will change the way you perceive the circumstances.

If you are leaving work because you've reached the regular retirement age and realise your thoughts are full of dread or apprehension about what the future might have in store for you, then seeing the funny side of life is even more important. There is life after work. Only you can decide what sort of a life it will be.