Monday, July 26, 2010

How to Stay Happy Everyday

It all starts with your mind. Do this simple exercise based on how you feel right now. What mood are you in? Write it down. Then Answer why are you in this particular mood? Do you know what caused the emotion you are experiencing right now? Chances are, you are thinking about something. Is what you are thinking about a positive or negative situation? Is it something you have to face and you are not looking forward to it, or conversely, is it something exciting that you ARE looking forward to?

There are times when people everywhere I go smile at me? It is not just that they smile, they smile at me as if they know me. I had to ask myself, "Why is everyone smiling at me?" I had not realized it at the time, but I was smiling at them. Why was I smiling was the question. The reason I was smiling was because of what I was thinking about, either a funny event, or I was excited about life in general because of projects I was working on, or the like. Life really is good when you live according to your life's purpose

A wise man once said to me "Never do anything that you really do not want to do. It causes heart problems." At the time he told me that, I was having heart problems. I am not sure why he told me that because he did not know me personally or what I was going through. I was working in a job that I did not like and I began to use that job to practice my voice skills because I wanted to be in radio. That job began to be fun to me and it did not matter what my job was because I knew I would get to where I wanted to be if I kept practicing.

The lesson I learned is that we are not happy when we are not living according to our life purpose. Being happy all the time does not mean you have everything you want all the time. It is a choice to be happy no matter what and you can do so because you have something to look forward to. Start looking for your own purpose in life. Start by trying things out and learning what you are good at.

When you find your life's purpose, begin working in it in whatever capacity you can even if it is for free. You will be fulfilled. Life will mean something to you, and most of all you will be happy all the time because you are living your dream.

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