Monday, July 26, 2010

Eight Easy Steps to Being Happy Every Day

Believe it or not everyone has it in them to be happy. Sometimes situations in life, beyond our control, can cause unhappiness, pessimism, and depression. But those feelings do not need to linger and they do not need to control our lives. It is very possible to be happy each and every day. Here are seven simple things you can do start being happy right away.

Songwriter Bobby Mcferrin wrote a song titled "Don't Worry Be Happy". As simple as it sounds that is step number one. If you are feeling like your life is a mess stop worrying. You have the power within you to chose to be happy. Put the worry out of your head. What ever is troubling you just let it go. You will start to feel better and now with the block removed the answer to the problem will come to you.

Recognize that the only thing in life that is constant is change. Nothing will remain the same forever. We live in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. What ever is causing you to be unhappy can and will change before you know it. Expect the change and embrace the possibilities of what may come. Be hopeful each day and you will be happier.

Know that stress can cause unhappiness. Find things in your life to do to relieve the stress. Take walks, learn yoga, ride a bike. Take time out to do something that will relax your mind and body. You will be healthier and less likely to have problems with your heart and fight off a whole number of possible ailments.

Seek out relationships and contact with friends, relatives or other social acquaintances. People need other people. There is a time to be alone, but to be alone too much or all the time is not healthy. Spend time with people that are upbeat and positive. You will feed off of their energy. They will inspire and motivate you and bring you up. Positive energy that radiates off people that are happy and well-centered is contagious.

Avoid negative environments or situations. A good example of this is the TV news. Unfortunately bad new sells. So that is why most of what we hear on the nightly news is bad. You don't need to let your mind be filled with this kind of negative, depressing information. It will do you absolutely no good. Watch as little of the news as possible.

Look for the good in people and be grateful for everything that is good around you. Everything can't be all that bad. Look for the positive in things rather than the negative. Don't be afraid to express your feelings of affections, friendship, attraction or love to those closest to you.

Laughter is always the best medicine for unhappiness. Find reasons to be filled with laughter. Look for situations that are funny. Read up and find jokes you like. When you feel laughter coming on let it go and laugh. Our bodies release chemicals when we laugh that makes us feel good.

Finally, remember that each day is new and brings with it new opportunity, new chances and new solutions. Embrace each new day and look forward to what is coming your way and you will be

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