Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Choose Happiness

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.

We welcome the whole world into this community as One, as we connect people to people to create Oneness.

I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Bless you.

Happiness is a Blessing. Go for the Blessing.
How to Choose Happiness

Here are words of wisdom that you shall never forget. Are you ready?

"Simply choose Happiness."

Wow! What a revelation.

Wouldn't be great if we were taught as children to simply choose Happiness?

Can you imagine what the world would be like?

Can you imagine how each human being would act and behave?

Can you imagine the Peace and Joy around the world?

Can you imagine anger, hatred, resentment, frustration, repression and de-pression in the past as Happiness takes over the world?

Can you imagine the children always being Happy as children, teenagers and as adults?

Can you imagine the world leaders sitting around and chatting with Happiness as Happiness?

Can you imagine yourself Happy?

Do you want to be Happy?

Is anyone stopping you? You know, saying words such as: "You are Not allowed to be Happy".

Do you stop yourself from being Happy?

Do you know what Happiness Is?

Do you care to take time out and inquire as to what you can do to create Happiness within you?

Do you depend on people to be Happy or to make you feel Happy?

Are you willing to choose Happiness and break the cycle of Unhappiness?

Are you familiar with the Power of Choice? Well you are Now.

You and I and all always have choice. This is a given. And in fact we all assume that we have choice and yet we always pretend that we don't. Why? Do we feel that if we choose then we are responsible for our choices and actions? How wonderful it is to know that we are responsible for our choices. This means that we have chosen by our own free will. This is Power. And this Power is a Gift from God to Create Goodness and Oneness inside and out.

Happiness is a Blessing.

Let us all choose Happiness as we awaken and as we sleep.

Let us choose Happiness in our daily activities.

Let us choose Happiness with our Loved ones and with all.

Let us choose Happiness continuously and consistently and reap the benefits with the support of the Universe.

You see when we choose something, anything, then the Universe responds. The radio waves within our unconscious minds send out vibrations and these vibrations are answered with like vibrations and creation takes place. Creation such as Happiness. One way or another the Universe will and does support your choice and desire to create Happiness.

Keep the momentum going. Keep the thoughts of Happiness going. Never ever quit. Do Not allow petty fights, arguments and disappointments to dis-empower you. You have the Power to dis-empower the unwanted circumstances and issues in your life.

Choose Happiness over despair, sorrow and grief.

Choose Happiness over anger and hate.

Choose Happiness over sadness and envy.

Choose Happiness over loneliness.

Choose Happiness over revenge.

Choose Happiness and Happiness will Happily choose you. For you are truly worthy and deserving of living this life as a Happy life.

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