Friday, March 26, 2010

Enjoy Life After Work

You can enjoy life so much more if you have a positive mental outlook. When things don't happen quite the way you might want, look at what you learned from the experience. so you don't make the same mistakes again and you can take forward any learning when the same situation happens again you will react more effectively next time.

Be a glass half full person rather than a glass half empty. If something doesn't work out the way you hoped decide what you would do differently next time and take whatever was positive from it.

If you've had to leave work in an unplanned way because of ill health or if you've been suspended because, or on suspicion, of malpractice, then you may be feeling very upset and confused about what's happening to you. You may feel angry about how unfairly life has treated you, or guilty about something you did which became much bigger than you imagined it could. In these circumstances it may seem impossible to enjoy life again. Amidst all the negative aspects of the situation what might be the benefit to you of this happening at this time?

It is so important to enjoy life, have a laugh, see the funny side of those situations that upset or frustrate you. Step back and find an individual or a group to support you during the difficult times. Others who have been through similar situations can often give you words of comfort and guidance and it's reassuring to know and realise that others have been through similar experiences to you.

If you find yourself becoming bothered about something or someone, try picturing the person as a cartoon character, or a clown. Imagine them speaking with a squeaky voice or singing everything. You may be surprised how doing this can diminish the anger or frustration you were feeling about what happened. When you make a joke of it either by telling the story to someone else, or picturing it in your own mind's eye, you will change the way you perceive the circumstances.

If you are leaving work because you've reached the regular retirement age and realise your thoughts are full of dread or apprehension about what the future might have in store for you, then seeing the funny side of life is even more important. There is life after work. Only you can decide what sort of a life it will be.

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