Monday, July 26, 2010

Eight Easy Steps to Being Happy Every Day

Believe it or not everyone has it in them to be happy. Sometimes situations in life, beyond our control, can cause unhappiness, pessimism, and depression. But those feelings do not need to linger and they do not need to control our lives. It is very possible to be happy each and every day. Here are seven simple things you can do start being happy right away.

Songwriter Bobby Mcferrin wrote a song titled "Don't Worry Be Happy". As simple as it sounds that is step number one. If you are feeling like your life is a mess stop worrying. You have the power within you to chose to be happy. Put the worry out of your head. What ever is troubling you just let it go. You will start to feel better and now with the block removed the answer to the problem will come to you.

Recognize that the only thing in life that is constant is change. Nothing will remain the same forever. We live in a world that is constantly and rapidly changing. What ever is causing you to be unhappy can and will change before you know it. Expect the change and embrace the possibilities of what may come. Be hopeful each day and you will be happier.

Know that stress can cause unhappiness. Find things in your life to do to relieve the stress. Take walks, learn yoga, ride a bike. Take time out to do something that will relax your mind and body. You will be healthier and less likely to have problems with your heart and fight off a whole number of possible ailments.

Seek out relationships and contact with friends, relatives or other social acquaintances. People need other people. There is a time to be alone, but to be alone too much or all the time is not healthy. Spend time with people that are upbeat and positive. You will feed off of their energy. They will inspire and motivate you and bring you up. Positive energy that radiates off people that are happy and well-centered is contagious.

Avoid negative environments or situations. A good example of this is the TV news. Unfortunately bad new sells. So that is why most of what we hear on the nightly news is bad. You don't need to let your mind be filled with this kind of negative, depressing information. It will do you absolutely no good. Watch as little of the news as possible.

Look for the good in people and be grateful for everything that is good around you. Everything can't be all that bad. Look for the positive in things rather than the negative. Don't be afraid to express your feelings of affections, friendship, attraction or love to those closest to you.

Laughter is always the best medicine for unhappiness. Find reasons to be filled with laughter. Look for situations that are funny. Read up and find jokes you like. When you feel laughter coming on let it go and laugh. Our bodies release chemicals when we laugh that makes us feel good.

Finally, remember that each day is new and brings with it new opportunity, new chances and new solutions. Embrace each new day and look forward to what is coming your way and you will be

13 Easy Things to Be Happy Every Day

Happiness is always with you, but you are too busy chasing it that you forget to look inside you.

I've been feeling a little unbalanced (sick) for the last three days. Finally, today I feel much better. I'm a very healthy woman, but I love to eat and sometimes, my stomach demands some responsibility from me. I'm sure it could be worse, but because of my attitude and faith in feeling good, I feel good now.

I'm not really a fan of taking medications when I'm sick. I always try to heal myself with natural things, like teas, meditation, yoga, massages, sending love to my body and other natural remedies. I believe in my body. I'm sure it works perfectly and it is capable of healing itself.

When my health is threatened I appreciate my life more and I thank God for giving me a beautiful life. I'm grateful for giving me the ability to feel the difference between being healthy and sick. I'm grateful for giving me the freedom to choose to be happy and appreciate all the little things in life. I thank God for being ALIVE and feeling GOOD every day.

I'm focusing on being happy and making my life better. Today, I want to share with you some of the things I do every day to be in the vortex, to make my life easy and happy, even when I feel indisposed.

1. Before I leave my bed -in the morning- I greet my beautiful day: "Good morning Universe. I'm ready to start a beautiful day. I'm happy no matter what. Thank God I'm alive."

2. I exercise every morning. I sing my affirmations and affirmations while I'm doing my exercises.

Why am I so happy today? I'm very happy today 'cuz I'm alive, I'm very healthy, I have a lot of energy, I'm beautiful, I love my work, I'm very successful, my life is full of love, money is coming every day.....

3. I always show gratitude. I do grateful affirmations every day. I'm thankful for the things I have and ask for the things I want to bring to my life.

Thank God for this beautiful day!

Thank God I have the opportunity to see this beautiful bird (when I see a bird)

Thank God I can ride my bike in a wonderful park.

Thank God for my new beautiful house in Sierra Madre!
Thank the Universe for my new customer!

4. I KNOW that I deserve to be happy and I'm getting all the things I want. I have FAITH in God and in myself. I love myself!

5. I use ONLY positive words (talking, writing, thinking, feeling). When I "need" to use a negative word, I always find a POSITIVE one to replace it!

6. I DO activities that I enjoy: I love to write, ride my bike, play with my daughter, run in the park, go hiking, sing when I'm driving, create new projects, and much more. And I laugh at all the things that are not my favorites.

7. I Laugh, Laugh and Laugh about myself. I don't take myself too seriously. I'm always joking with people around me.

8. I turn OFF the media. My favorite channels are Food Network and Home and Garden Television (HGTV). I like to listen to instrumental music when I'm working or writing.

9. I surround myself with POSITIVE people. I try to be polite with every person I meet. When I meet negative people I use my "emergency shell" to protect myself and repel all the negative energy.

10. I enjoy HELPING people. I really believe that the best way to receive is to give. I recognize that I'm shy sometimes, but I do my best.

11. I always LEARN something from everybody. I love to analyze and think why people act the way they do. I don't judge anybody. I just learn a different way to do the things and see the results!

12. I take care of myself and my family. My family is the best thing I have. As I always say: "The best way to tell people you love them is taking care of yourself and being happy."

13. I respect everybody. We live in a free world and we are individuals. There is nobody like me, so I understand everybody thinks and acts different!

Of course, I'm not perfect. I'm a human being and I fail sometimes. I love to encourage myself to try one more time and be a better person every day. Life is a beautiful gift and we are responsible for making it brilliant. Bring so much joy to your life by CREATING your own recipe to be HAPPY.

How to Stay Happy Everyday

It all starts with your mind. Do this simple exercise based on how you feel right now. What mood are you in? Write it down. Then Answer why are you in this particular mood? Do you know what caused the emotion you are experiencing right now? Chances are, you are thinking about something. Is what you are thinking about a positive or negative situation? Is it something you have to face and you are not looking forward to it, or conversely, is it something exciting that you ARE looking forward to?

There are times when people everywhere I go smile at me? It is not just that they smile, they smile at me as if they know me. I had to ask myself, "Why is everyone smiling at me?" I had not realized it at the time, but I was smiling at them. Why was I smiling was the question. The reason I was smiling was because of what I was thinking about, either a funny event, or I was excited about life in general because of projects I was working on, or the like. Life really is good when you live according to your life's purpose

A wise man once said to me "Never do anything that you really do not want to do. It causes heart problems." At the time he told me that, I was having heart problems. I am not sure why he told me that because he did not know me personally or what I was going through. I was working in a job that I did not like and I began to use that job to practice my voice skills because I wanted to be in radio. That job began to be fun to me and it did not matter what my job was because I knew I would get to where I wanted to be if I kept practicing.

The lesson I learned is that we are not happy when we are not living according to our life purpose. Being happy all the time does not mean you have everything you want all the time. It is a choice to be happy no matter what and you can do so because you have something to look forward to. Start looking for your own purpose in life. Start by trying things out and learning what you are good at.

When you find your life's purpose, begin working in it in whatever capacity you can even if it is for free. You will be fulfilled. Life will mean something to you, and most of all you will be happy all the time because you are living your dream.

How To Be Happy Every Day - 4 Keys to Unlock Your Happiness

You start each day by making the decision to be happy. You may have every reason to be sad or disappointed but you can choose what you will focus on and what thoughts you will think. You could start your day by writing down all of the people and things you are grateful for. What if you are with someone you don't like or in a job that brings you down? Write down why you are grateful for the person you are in strife with. Take your focus off of your resentment towards the individual and put it towards thoughts of gratitude about them. You can always find something to appreciate about another person. If not at the moment think back to when you did. There is good in everything and there is bad but you have the choice as to what you will look at and think about. You are always responsible for what you think. And it is your thinking that unfolds your world.

Practice smiling and laughing. When I am with my grandson he is 2 years old we will just laugh to laugh. Big belly laughs, mouths open, making funny noises and laughing loud and then we laugh harder because our laughing is so funny. You can laugh out loud by yourself as well. Watch funny shows, movies, read jokes, watch funny on line videos. In August of 2000 my youngest child 16 years old (daughter) passed away she had liver cancer. I was very sad and cried everyday for a year. But I also made the choice to make myself laugh so I could heal and find happiness in my life. I have happiness in my life every day despite the tragedy and sorrow.

Go to places that make you happy. Maybe that's the beach or the mountains or a local park. Wherever that place is frequent it as often as possible. Enjoy your surroundings and feel those happy feelings. It is these experiences that will manifest more happiness for you as you allow yourself to feel good and often.

Take time to think about what you want in your life and allow yourself to indulge in whatever you want. You can have whatever you want if you imagined it often. What do you want that will make you happy? Look at every area of your life and decide what you want. Do not focus on what you have or don't have because reality changes all the time. Now you get to choose what your reality is going to be. Choose to be happy everyday and you will.

How to Be Happy Everyday - Simple Ways to Help You Stay Happy Always

The question of how to be happy everyday may be a little difficult to answer, but as always said, happiness is a choice and you can definitely learn how to be happy everyday. Here are some ways to help you remind yourself to stay happy every single day.

- Stay away from things that make you unhappy and from people that have negative influences in your life.

- Wake up every morning by giving thanks - for the bright sunrise, for a great breakfast, or for a good night sleep. Cultivate the habit of being thankful - for great friends or for favors done to you, however small they may be.

- Think positive. Do not think of what you do not have but learn to appreciate whatever you have. Eliminate self-doubt and think that you can overcome difficulties in life.

- Do not let anything ruin your happy day. If you are faced with a difficult situation at work, do not let it ruin your day. Find ways to fix it. If some people make you mad, win the battle by not giving in to anger. Truly, learning how to be happy everyday is your choice.

- Meditate. This will help you manage stress and take charge of your life. Stress can make you irritable or annoyed. It can even put your health at risk. Get rid of stress to help you face tomorrow with a happy smile.

- Understand and respect other people. One great source of the many unhappiness in life is our difficulty to accept our differences. If we see something that we do not like, we seemed to be irritated. Understanding the people around you and why they act that way will help you get rid of negative feelings.

- Do something good for others. Doing something good is indeed one of the best ways to feel good about yourself and be happy. One source of happiness in this world indeed comes from being a blessing to others.

- Watch your words. Learn to be positive with your words - whether it is for yourself or for others. This will keep you from hurting people and avoiding trouble.

- Smile. A smile can truly radiate a positive energy to the people around you and to you as well. Greeting the people with a smile on your face is also one best way to looking good.

- Give and share. The magic of giving is not just about feeling good to be able to give and share to those who need your help. It is also in giving that you receive more blessings.

- Have a good laugh. Learning how to be happy everyday could just be as simple as having a good laugh. Eliminate boredom and sadness in life by sharing a good laugh with your friends or family. Go out with friends who talk about hobbies and travels and share light stories and not talking about other people's lives. Choose to talk with your co-workers about something that is pleasant - your dream places or destination or hobbies and sports.

- Eat healthy. This will spare you from any discomfort and pain. Take note too that it is easier to be happy if you are healthy.

Learning how to be happy everyday can be easy if you choose to be happy. If someone gives you a reason to get angry, it is actually your choice to get angry or not. So stay in control. Think about being happy - always.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Giving Attention To Happiness

When I left England in 2000 there did not seem to be much happiness around. People in modern western society tend to be self focused to the extreme, prone to criticise rather than support or applaud, and with little time or inclination to devote to others. Relationships can be a battleground rather than a haven of mutual support. Thinking about it now, I did not know anyone who I could say was really happy. I was acquainted with a few who might have been in a state of happiness, but I did not know them well enough to be sure.

I think by nature I am a basically happy person, but modern life and attitudes can have a way of pummeling that out of you. When you are surrounded by unhappy, discontented people who are devoted to chasing the shadows of pure materialism, then it is going to affect you. People lose touch with what happiness is, and may even be dismissive if they sense that someone might actually be happy.

Happiness is no longer a natural state of being in Western society, and to those who have lost touch with what happiness is, a process of re-education may be needed. Here are a few things that may help you in that process:

1. Give time and focus to the things in your life that can make you happy; how can you be happy if you do not know what will make you happy?

2. Give time and attention to making those around you happy. If any of them are habitually self pitying and miserable, with no good reason, then maybe they should not have a place in your world.

3. Give time and attention to eliminating those elements of your life that are dragging you into the unhappiness mire. Pinpoint them, and then set about methodically either removing them or diminishing their influence.

4. Vow never to be jealous. If you see somebody else who seems happy and elated, feed positively off that happiness aura, and do not mutter such negative responses as "oh, it's alright for her, she doesn't have my problems." Reprimand yourself if ever you feel a twinge of jealousy.

5. If you find an element of your life that brings you happiness, remind yourself about it regularly. Feed it, let it grow. Never, ever take it for granted. Give the happiness itself attention, and it will burrow more deeply into your being.

I will now test you on number 4. I am very happy, and have been for a few years now. I have all I need of a non-material nature: a wonderful wife; a beautiful and joyous 17 month old daughter; the ability to work online from home doing as I please; life on a magnificent tropical island that fulfils a childhood dream; and living amongst people of a generally happy disposition. All those things come together to give me as close to a perfect life I could have dared thought possible.

I say that not to arouse envy, but to get you to think: happiness is still possible, and should be celebrated, whoever the one who has the benefit. If you are not already doing so, you could soon be the one spreading that aura of happiness; but it needs your attention, piece by piece.

Finding Your Happiness

Research has identified a number of attributes that correlate with happiness: relationships and social interaction, extraversion, marital status, employment, health, democratic freedom, optimism, religious involvement, income and proximity to other happy people. Moreover, the structure of the social network appeared to have an impact on happiness, as people who were very central with many friends and friends of friends were significantly more likely to be happy than those on the periphery of the network. Albert Camus: You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. Be Happy University of Pennsylvania's Martin Seligman offers questionnaires for assessing your happiness, beating depression and developing insights into how to be happier on his web site.

He observed that men sought riches not for the sake of being rich, but to be happy although the term we translate as 'happiness' in Aristotle cannot be adequately defined as either an emotion or a state. Happiness Find out how to beat stress and take control of your mood with our simple and easy tips to get happy. Why we're Happy Research suggests the key to happiness is a life that reflects values and practices like faith, hard work, charity and freedom. Happiness People are happy when they are "in control", that is, when they feel competent to satisfy their needs and reach their goals. Now, some people argue with the term "happiness" and maintain that it's not possible to be "happy " But even people who can't agree on what it means to be "happy" can agree that most people can be "happier ".

We are happy when for everything inside us there is a corresponding something outside us " -. Wikipedia "Happy" and "Happily" redirect here. For other uses, see happy disambiguation. He observed that men sought riches, or honor, or health not only for their own sake but also in order to be happy. The happy person is virtuous, meaning they have outstanding abilities and emotional tendencies which allow him or her to fulfill our common human ends. Abraham Lincoln: Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be -. Albert Schweitzer: I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.

A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to. Anne Frank: We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. Anne Frank: The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy - because we will always want to have something else or something more. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung: Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Charles Schulz: My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. Edith Wharton: If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind. Eric Hoofer: You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy. Fran Leibowitz: Remember that as a teenager you are in the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear the phone is for you. The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

If your own mental attitude is correct, even if you remain in a hostile atmosphere, you feel happy. It must come from within It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves. If he knows that I am happy in loving him, he will want no other reward. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be ". Interestingly his research finds that most people are slightly to moderately happy, not unhappy. For Americans, the happy or ideal life is sometimes referred to as the. From the observation that fish must become happy by swimming, and birds must become happy by flying, Find out how to beat stress and take control of your mood with our simple and easy tips to get happy.