Friday, May 7, 2010

How to Be Successful & Happy

Life Is Not A Race To Be Won; It Is A Journey To Be Enjoyed.

What is success? What is happiness? Are they one and the same, or do they differ? Most equate happiness with success. Others, although they may have accomplished many of the things they set out to do, still are not happy. They have achieved their goals, but without happiness what good has it done them?

People are not searching for success. There are thousands of books on success - all containing steps, formulas, and techniques on how to succeed. Many are great books, but much of what they teach doesn't bring happiness to a person's life. People want to be happy. Happiness isn't a gift God gives to some and refuses to give to others. You can be happy. In fact, you have a right to be happy.

Are you happy?

Let me ask you, do you think all happy people are successful? Are all successful people happy? Interesting questions, aren't they? They are difficult to answer. How you define success and happiness determines how you answer.

What Society Would Have You Believe:

Society would have us believe that happiness is what we have, not who we are. You probably have heard people say things like, "I would be happy if I had a million dollars," "...owned a yacht," "...lived in a mansion," or "...drove an expensive car." Sure, it is possible to have these things and still be happy, but these material possessions do not produce happiness.

Ask the wife who has all the jewelry and all the clothes she could ever imagine who discovers that her husband is cheating on her. Is she happy? Certainly not! Ask the celebrity who supposedly has it all, but winds up in the mental institution. Is she happy? Although someone may have all the money, cars, houses, and toys one could ever want, that does not mean they are happy. Life is more than achieving your personal goals and acquiring material possessions. True happiness is the direct result of knowing your purpose and making forward progress toward its fulfillment. Without purpose, life is meaningless and ultimately very dissatisfying.

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