Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How To Keep Your Python Happy

Once you decide on owning a pet python, you want to learn more about what your pet is like. Starting from what it feeds on to habits of the reptile. It is important to know about a python's behavior patterns and how to keep your pet happy.

In the wild, Pythons roam the jungle; their skin provides a perfect camouflage. They are excellent swimmers and swim in search of prey or stalk in water.

Like other wild animals Pythons don't know how to exhibit their happiness to humans. With experience though, you'll be able to notice anything 'out of the norm' for your python thru its body language ... signs that it may be feeling sick or uncomfortable, though this will be a little difficult to see at first.

The two most important things you can do to make your python happy have to do with the SUN and SWIMMING.

The Sun

Most pythons enjoy basking under the sun. Therefore, if you provide your pet a good hide box and a heat spot, it will use the hide box to rest most of the time, or just coil around the heat spot basking. A warm python is usually a happy python!

Swimming (exercise)

Given the narrow confines of the cage we provide them, pythons don't get much of the exercise they would otherwise get in the wild forests.

The best exercise for pythons is swimming. True, it is not possible to take the python to a swimming pool or an abandoned pond for security reasons.

But you can use a kiddy pool or a large plastic tub to create a python swimming pool.

Just fill the pool or tub with warm water and let your python in it. You will watch it move around happily, keeping its head above the water.

Make it a point to clean the tub or kiddy pool with disinfectants every time.

Swimming is definitely one of the best ways of entertaining your pet python.

Other ways to keep your python happy

Mating your python when it is ready is also another important way you can make your pet Python happy.

The above is an excerpt from the free newsletter on "Python Secrets" published by Geostar Publishing & Services LLC.

Does Your Work Make You Happy?

Is there really a difference between a “vocation” and a “job”? They both require you perform some sort of labor. You have the opportunity to earn money with either of them. The real difference is that a job is only a necessity to pay the bills and beyond that it may hold no further value to you. Your “vocation” or life’s work on the other hand is something that you value and when performing it you feel is has meaning, whether or not you are making money.

What that “meaning” means is hard to define and varies per person. What do you think would make your work meaningful? Do you feel you have to be a Mother Teresa or great inventor like Einstein for your work to have meaning? Or, is creating an artistic masterpiece meaningful? It seems most people think meaningful work must be something on a grand scale or lead to national or world recognition.

To get in touch with your thoughts on meaningful work jot down everything that comes to mind about what the general consensus of the term meaningful work is. It may be helpful to write down names of people who seem significant and why.

Next, answer the question for yourself of what makes labor valuable. These are your own personal reasons and it does not matter if this is the general popular opinion. There are no right or wrong answers.

Now read over what you have written and see if your thoughts are inline with the following concepts. 1) In order to be meaningful the labor has to bring good into the world or help people in some manner. 2) In order to be meaningful your labor must be noticed in a big way. Success is the measure of your work and you must be successful to be valuable. 3) Those who are 100% consumed by their ideas, to the exclusion of sleeping or eating, like Columbus or Ben Franklin are the only ones with meaningful work. 4) The world values people who try their best. People should have a family, house and a decent job and be upstanding members of their community.

Finding truly meaningful work is not easy. If you have all your needs met and yet you get scared you are going to be stuck in a job you don’t really like, then you are dealing with the philosophical question of value or meaning. It seems to be human nature to think you must contribute to something larger than yourself or be acknowledged and if you are not doing something that really matters then you are just going through life going through the motions and that doesn’t really feel like it counts.

Raising Happy Kids

We all want to be happy. As parents we want our kids to be happy, but what happens when we have a child that has a hard time getting through hard times, or is ultra-sensitive? Sometimes this can be hard, but there are some things we can do as parents to encourage positive behavior in our children which can in turn make them much more happy.

Adults and especially parents are kids most powerful role models, so it is important that we not act negatively around our children. Not that we have to pretend, but if we have a positive outlook, chances are they will too. They look up to adults and parents and want to be like them, so try for a day to say only positive things to your child, make them feel important, needed and special, and see if it doesn't make a little difference. Children just want to know they are valued and important to their parents. Make sure they never doubt how good they are.

Next, whether you work or you are a stay at home parent, spend organized, quality time with your child frequently. We can get busy an involved with projects or other important things and put our children last sometimes to deal with when we are tired and at the end of our rope. On occasion, this is to be expected, but make sure that you have 10-30 minutes every day when you can spend one on one time with your child. You can take this time to talk while playing about issues he or she may be having in their life that would cause them to be unhappy. You'd be surprised by how much they open up when you take the time to get on their level and ask.

A rewards system like tickets or marbles is a great way to reinforce positive behavior. When your child is happy and not fighting or being negative, he gets a marble in his jar. When it is filled, he gets a special prize or a date with Mom or Dad to a favorite restaurant or skating rink. This is a great way to let your child visualize how much good he has done in a short amount of time. This works well for any age of children and can be adapted with bigger prizes for older children.

Last, get involved with what your children are doing. If they love soccer, volunteer to be a coach or assistant coach. You could volunteer in their classroom once a week, which would be a big help to the teacher and would help you learn about the dynamics in the classroom with the other kids, and what your child is learning. Another way to get involved is to immerse yourself in what they like to play with. If they love the Disney princesses, then play "Royal Ball" with them, or play online princess dress up with them. It doesn't have to be expensive; the most fun is usually when you do something together that's free. Most importantly just spend the time together and let her know you also enjoy what she is interested in.

Never let your child question your love for him. No matter what he does or says, you will always be there to talk to him and comfort him in times of need. Doing a few simple things should make a big difference in how happy your kids are, and as a result, it will make you a lot happier too!

Gifts For Kids: An Easy Way To Make Them Happy

Gifts are liked by almost every one of us. But, these have made a high craze among the small kids. UK market is full of astonishing and stylish presents that one can give to his or her children. Sometimes, we get as confused as which one to buy for our kids or not. But, now there are so many items available in the market for the kids. It includes games, puzzles and quizzes, racing cars, soft toys and many more. All of such items are hugely appreciated by the small kids. Beyond that, some of the other gifts for kids include spy digital camera binoculars, condiment gun and many more.

Some of the occasion presents are also made available for the children that the individuals can give to them. Wide variety of Christmas gifts and birthday gifts are also available in the market. Birthday gifts like remote control helicopter or cars, amazing soft toys and lots more. These gizmos are designed in such an amazing manner that can attract the attention of a small child.

All such stuffs can be easily afforded by the customers as these come with quite reasonable rates. On the other hand, baskets for the kids are one of the most preferred ideas. It is not only cheap but also provide huge satisfaction to the hearts of small children. This holder contains so many things like chocolates colorful boxes, designer pencils and rubbers and many more. Such wonderful things can make them happy as well as cheerful.

Gifts for kids are an amazing way of winning their hearts and to make them happy and joyful. So, if you want give a present to your child and are not getting the right one to purchase, then just select any one of them and make the child happy forever.

And You Wonder Why We Are Not Happy?

We have very much become an instant gratification type society, especially in Western countries, whereby we need things to be constantly evolving, it is very difficult to sustain our attention on anything for too long, we come bored easily and we demand new and better things. In fact Generation Y, of which I am a member, is largely responsible for our society following this path. You can see this illustrated in many ways; We are constantly hopping from job to job and mate to mate. News media journalism is very much sensationalised and only pays lip service to the whole truth and covers issues which are more entertainment based. We always want the latest gadgets and technology yet soon afterwards we get tired of it and want something better and flashier. Last year we had 2 cases which the Australia news media have covered in a saturation manner being Schapelle Corby and Douglas Wood. Schapelle Corby was a person who was found carrying a small amount of marijuana in Bali, Indonesia where drug offences are treated extremely seriously. Douglas Wood was working as contracter in Iraq and captured by insurgents but later released. Given the amount of media we have now competing for our attention in print, free to air and pay TV, international media, online media, etc. it was bound to happen. It was rare to actually get an impartial fully factual coverage of both sides as that would have probably bored a mass audience. In all likelihood for a lot of us now it is Schapelle who? . The other issue being that with so many resources devoted to these types of cases, many more important and far-reaching issues are ignored.

In terms of technology one of the biggest fads at he moment is the iPod which was the most popular item on kid's wishlists last Christmas. The truth is that there are better and more feature packed products in the market at a lesser cost but the unbelievable campaign Apple have run have dwarfed these other products. From Christmas to Christmas we are graduating from DVD players to mobile phones to digital cameras to iPods when only a generation ago we were happy with just getting the next action figure or doll in the set. Now a device like a mobile phone or computer is on the scrap heap if it is older than 2-3 years.

Generation Ys are also predicted to have at least 10 job changes in their working life including multiple career changes. When asked why this occurs the common theme seems to be boredom, as no matter how interesting or fulfilling a particular job or workplace may be, it does not meet our need for things to be constantly new and exciting. This also a common theme when young people are asked they are not sticking to one partner.

Some of these instant gratifying moments are thrilling but when we look back on our lives it will be long lasting relationships that give us the greatest joy and not the exciting today, forgotten tomorrow events.